Monday, October 17, 2011

PNUTS: Yahoo's Hosted Data Serving Platform

PNUTS is a distributed database designed by Yahoo especially for web applications that require scalability, high availability/fault tolerance, and low response time, while tolerating relaxed consistency guarantees. The main idea here is that all high-latency operations are performed asynchronously, while supporting record-level replication/mastering. A pub/sub message system is used instead of a traditional database log to coordinate replication. Data is automatically horizontally partitioned into groups of records called tablets.  These tablets are small (several can be a stored on each node) and can automatically be rearranged among nodes for load balancing.The system is implemented as a single centrally-managed hosted service, which is queried by applications.

Different parts of applications often require varying consistency guarantees -- slightly stale data might often be acceptable, while the latest version is needed in other locations (e.g. to provide show a user that an update has been made). PNUTS uses a per-record timeline consistency model, which guarantees that replicas of a record all write updates in the same order. Applications can then specify what kind of consistency they need on a per-record basis, using less expensive consistency requirements where possible (where stale data is acceptable).

It looks like PNUTS does a good job of balancing trade-offs between differing consistency requirements and latency in a geographically distributed database system by letting applications explicitly set their per-record requirements. The per-record replication and timeline consistency could be problematic when a query depends on the mutual consistency of several records (though this is something that the COPS paper addresses). That said, I think this approach of letting applications decide what kinds of consistency guarantees to require--and when--makes sense and should be very influential over the next decade as web services continue to geographically distribute their data across the world, while trying to maintain stringent latency policies.

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